a life well lived

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

breakfast pie 12/10/00

It was grey and wet outside today, but it felt sunny from where I sat in the big chair in the living room.  Kayla and Nokia came by again for a pre-Christmas workshop.  I would tell you what they made, but their main project is going to be a present, so I better hush.  I can tell you that we had a merry late morning and early afternoon, the girls working away at the coffee table, yours truly holding court in the big chair, and Elsa running back and forth to the kitchen to keep her guests well supplied with pretzels and orange juice. 

Breakfast this morning included a piece of Acme's pumpkin pie.  I am persnickety about my pumpkin pie, but the Acme pie is generously spiced and the crust is short and dark.  Wonderful.  I was first introduced to pie as a  breakfast food by Mennonite friends of Papa's we visited when I was a young girl.  My eyes must have been as big as saucers when I first saw the breakfast spread - eggs and bacon and toast, as you would expect, but also other meats including lebanon bologna, and different types of pickles (several types of both sweet and sour), and various muffins and biscuits and jams and jellies, and my first helping of breakfast pie.   What a delight to discover it was not just for dessert.  I have been a fan of pie for breakfast ever since.

Doris Pendleton told a great story about breakfast pie.  Apparently, she and Phil were visiting in "Pennsylvania Dutch" country, staying with a Mennonite family.  The lady of the house asked Doris is she liked squash pie.  Being a direct Glenn lady, she said - politely - no, that squash pie was not to her liking.  The lady then asked Phil the same question.  Being the fine gentleman he was and not wanting to hurt the woman's feelings, he replied that yes, he was partial to squash pie.  He ended up eating his words, because she served Phil a generous slice of squash pie every morning at breakfast and, of course, being the fine gentleman he was and not wanting to  hurt the woman's feelings, he ate every bit - even though he disliked squash pie every bit, if not more, as much as Doris did.

How lovely to roll off to bed thinking of two delightful young ladies and two much missed friends.  

 Nite nite and God bless - Grammie Kay

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