a life well lived

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Star 04/23/00

Even though Mim told me last weekend that Star Pitcairn was not doing well, I was not prepared to hear that Star, who was diagnosed with advanced cancer soon after her marriage to Bob a few years ago, has died.

When I first knew Star - or Starsy-Wharsy as Mike called her - she was an itty-bitty little girl.  She was so small when Mim first started taking care of Star and her sisters and her brother that she could set in the palm of Mim's hand.

The memories are too strong and the sense of loss too fresh to express much more than my belief that living in Boulder, Colorado, in the energy force of the Rockies and in the strong support of her circle of friends, made a difference in how Star faced the force that wracked her body and but not her spirit.  I will get to the point where I can feel a sense of rejoicing in Star's release, but for right now I only feel the sadness of loss ---  I will lift my eyes unto the mountains.  From when cometh my help?  My help is from the Lord.

My own dear circle of friends, consider yourself wrapped in a big hug.  Holding each of you in my love is an image I need to hold onto right now.   

 Mike - a special consoling hug between the two of us.       

All my love - Mom

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